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ECHSA, Inc. Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program 

Disaster Housing Preference

Hurricane Matthew

October, 2017 

Eastern Carolina Human Services Agency, Inc. (ECHSA, Inc.) recognize the east coast is susceptible to numerous natural disasters; leaving families displaced and even homeless. In an effort to ensure that individual(s)/families are placed in housing that is safe, decent, and sanitary, as quickly as possible; the following process was implemented on July 1, 2017, regarding preference for disaster victims:


     1.  Resident Advisory Board – The RAB met on Feb. 12, 2016, and suggested preference be included in                the PHA Plan.​


     2. Public Hearing – The Preference Suggestion was discussed during the public hearing on                 March 13, 2017. As a result, the majority of the community determined it was necessary to           present it to the Board for approval.


     3. Board Meeting – On March 15, 2017, ECHSA, Inc. Board of Directors unanimously voted on           and approved that preference be given to individual(s)/families that are displaced or                     become homeless, due to a natural disaster to become effective July 1, 2017.


If you have experienced a natural disaster and your home or dwelling has been declared unlivable, please contact the Onslow Office at (910) 455-9761 or the Duplin Office at (910) 285-5331.



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