Eastern Carolina Human Services Agency, Inc.
"ECHSA, Inc.'s mission is to improve the lives of low income, Veterans, and military families by empowering them to become economically and socially self-sufficient."
ROMA Planning Cycle
The Results Oriented Management and Accountability Cycle (ROMA) was created in 1994 by an ongoing task force of Federal, state, and local community action officials – the Monitoring and Assessment Task Force (MATF). Based upon principles contained in the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, ROMA provides a framework for continuous growth and improvement among more than 1000 local community action agencies and a basis for state leadership and assistance toward those ends.
Since 1994, the Community Services Network has been guided by six broad anti-poverty goals established by the MATF. To accomplish these goals, local community action agencies have been encouraged to undertake a number of ROMA implementation actions that focus on results-oriented management and results-oriented accountability.